Entertainment (2015) Online
Portland Marathon. Join the fun – Register Now.
The 2. 01. 7 Portland Marathon and Portland Marathon Half will take place on Sunday, Oct. The Portland Marathon has an abundance of live entertainment and music along the course! Last year, more than 7. Runners are treated to broad panoramas of the entire city the waterfront, a 3- mile bluff on the east side of Portland, and a dramatic view and crossing of the St. Johns Bridge, one of the most beautiful suspension bridges in the world.
Game of Thrones Emilia Clarke Is the SWA for 2. She is the Mother of Dragons, after all. She manages to bring together a number of opposites, to make them natural: sweetness and toughness, emotionalism with a kind of cold- blooded determination. Something in these contrasts explains her sex appeal, too. She can play queen and kid sister, dominatrix and pal.
History of the event, contacts, registration information, list of exposition events, race results, and lodging details. BET.com is your home for all the latest celebrity, music, fashion, entertainment and African-American news. Check out your favorite BET shows and watch video!
Crystal Palace is not a palace, exactly, more of a quiet backstreet behind a London train station. There's a gaggle of slightly cold- looking people waiting at the entrance to a park when we arrive. Somebody holds a bouquet of flags on sticks. Coming closer, we can see the logo: GAME OF PHONES.
Emilia puts on her disguise—the cap, the glasses, an American accent. We've decided to call her Lilly. Everyone separates into teams. What follows turns out to be very silly, in an am- dram kind of way, and a surprising amount of fun.
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Someone dressed in shopping- bag . We troop off dutifully, on a gray bank- holiday Sunday, through a mostly empty park in deep south London. It slowly becomes clear that nobody on our team watches Game of Thrones. This doesn't stop them from being nice people.
There's a marketing director for a Thames- river- cruise company. Watch The Hole Movie Boy Next Door (2015) there. Maybe fifty years old, one of those men, I get the sense, who wears shorts and sandals on the weekend regardless of the weather. The other woman on our team is a vaudeville dancer, a Cambridge graduate who pays the bills by tutoring kids in everything under the sun—including beading. And then there's Emilia Clarke, whose costume, as she herself has realized, isn't necessary. As Daenerys, with that magical blond wig and undercurrent of menace—the fun young queen who can also order you dead—Emilia is unmistakable.
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But here, out of wig, surrounded by middle- aged strangers, she's just a very attractive woman in an (extremely odd) crowd. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. But she sticks to her disguise. Lilly's accent is perfect; she's a laid- back, friendly, slightly dead- inside Manhattanite. It's just not clear why she's wearing an Oklahoma City Thunder cap or tortoiseshell sunglasses on a rainy day. When Lilly, in her hard- soled cowboy boots, slips on the gritty path and comes up limping a little, I suddenly feel for her—because I know that the real Emilia has just recovered from a fractured hip (an injury incurred when she slipped and fell while out promoting Terminator).
Part of me wants to call the whole thing off. Except that Emilia (not Lilly) wants to win. She spots an old phone booth near the playground: an English classic, red as a post box, now (in this age of mobile phones) abandoned and graffitied and locked up. The vaudeville dancer tries to light up the dirty back wall by sticking her phone through a gap in the broken glass, but the clue inside refuses to reveal itself. Emilia has a go, too, with her phone.
This is the password we must deliver to . Tom Cruise is the classic poor American kid on the make. His shit- eating grin is both a seduction and a kind of fuck you—the guy who runs up a bar tab after the company softball championship that he never intends to pay. Emilia has the very real charm of a certain type of English upbringing. But there's a whole set of virtues that goes with the fun. There's an attitude to life.
Vincent Peters + Esquire. Everybody has to . But they also get . And not just don't complain but actually have a good time, because you've got . You don't take yourself too seriously—all of these are very likable qualities.
Emilia has them in spades. On the hunt for the Iron Phone, the marketing director starts to tell a story about Game of Thrones, something he read in the paper about a father who hears his daughter has just gotten a part on the show. He feels tremendously proud and excited until he sees the first few scripts and finds out what she has to do: full frontal nudity, lots of sex. Maybe even a rape scene. But I know the story, too. The early episodes were hard to film, she'd told me in the cab.
There was a lot of nudity, a rape scene, she was twenty- three years old, exposing her body. Her character suffered and she suffered with her.
I said I needed a cup of tea, had a bit of a cry, and was ready for the next scene. She mucks in.- -- When we leave, Emilia decides not to tell the rest of our team who she is—they wouldn't know her anyway, she says. And you get the sense that for now, she's just fine with that. By freaky she means letting the star treatment go to her head.
She remembers the days at the call center. The warning of cooking fries from her father.
Her life before she was supposed to be noticed. Half pal, half dominatrix. Half kid sister, half sexy queen. The movie star who plays, in her real life, an anonymous, funny beauty. This is the gorgeous balance of Emilia Clarke. Published in the November 2.